Smucker Team Realty Inc.
A Property Management Company

Pre-Qualification Requirements
Before submitting your application, please review the list below of qualifications and requirements
that need to be met for you to be considered for an available property listed with Smucker Team Realty.
Rental Qualifications:
1.) A completed application for EACH person 18 years of age or older who will be residing in the
property must be complete in its entirety. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Falsified
information may cancel an application.
2.) An applicant must have verifiable and sufficient income to meet monthly expenses. Rent should
not exceed one-third of your monthly income. (Example: To qualify for a $500 a month rental,
your verifiable monthly income would need to be $1500).
3.) Rental history must be verifiable from unbiased sources. If no rental history is available you may
be required to have a qualified cosigner. (Not all rental units will accept a cosigner.)
4.) Arrests or convictions for any offense which is arguably relevant to your ability to abide by the
terms of your lease, respect the rights and quiet enjoyment of others, respect the property of
others, and remain in compliance with all laws and regulations during the term of your tenancy,
may result in the denial of your application.
Required Information and/or Documents Needed Before Turning Application In:
1. Completed Rental Application
2. Copy of Driver’s License/State ID
3. Copy of one month’s pay stubs, W-2, tax return or bank statements
4. Copy of any assistance payments (SSI/SSD, Pension, etc.…)
The application process usually takes one to three business days to complete. Some may take
longer depending on the volume of applications being processed at a given time. In order to find
the most qualified tenant for a property, management reserves the right to screen a number of
applicants for the same property before making a decision. Applications will not be processed
until all required information has been received. Once your application has been approved, you
will be contacted by our office. Approved applications are only kept on file for three to six